Thursday, November 15, 2012

Chaos Warp Talons Assemble!

Moratorium on purchasing any more 40K minis notwithstanding, a friend of mine brought me a shwanky new box of Chaos Space Marine Raptors for my birthday, a truly generous gift. So I busted the box open yesterday and here is what I found...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Painting Skeletons: The Weasel Tails Way

I knew at some point I was going to need some skeletons for my Hellfrost game so I finally got around to getting some put together and painted. I decided not to make a big art project out of it so I decided to speed-paint them and see how they came out. As an exercise I timed how long it took me and I was surprised at how fast I was able to churn these guys out.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Two New Toys From the (Post Apocalyptic) Sandbox

OK, you've created a new world, blew it up, and now you want to run a post-apocalyptic game. So now what? Well Occult Moon are here to help you out with two new titles in their Toys for the Sandbox line of system-agnostic supplements: 'The Last Refuge' and 'The Slave Wagon'.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pig Wars: A Quick Review

Recently I've been looking for some Dark Ages skirmish rules. I have two boxes of plastic Vikings from Wargames Factory sitting on my worktable. That's sixty-four angry dudes with swords, axes, and spears waiting for me to do something with them. I've been painting some up as extras for my bi-weekly Hellfrost game (more on that another time) but I thought it would be fun to do some historical war gaming with them. I've come across a few sets of rules and finally picked one up called 'Pig Wars: When Men Were Men and Pigs Were Money ' by Tod Kershner. I've given the rules a read-through and I thought I'd post my first impressions. The title alone tells you that the game is intended to be more fun than hard-core simulation. If you want to get a bunch of players together for an evening of looting and pillaging, it looks like this game will deliver.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Speaking of Weasel Tails...

I ordered my first set of Winsor & Newton Series 7 kolinski sable brushes last week and they arrived yesterday. I've always wondered if they were for me and decided to take the plunge. I'll say up front, I'm very impressed, impressed enough to name my new blog after them :-)

Adventures in Miniature-Painting

Welcome to Weasel Tails, a blog about miniatures, painting them, and playing games with them.

First, a little background. I started playing role-playing games with my high school friends around 1981. At the same time, I discovered that there was a company, Grenadier, that made little metal dudes that I could  use to enhance the game. They did enhance the game, even if it was to primarily keep track of our marching order. Then I found you could paint the little metal dudes and from those primary colored beginnings I adopted a new hobby that I have stuck with on and off in the three decades that followed.